Who We Are?

Our vision

Inspire Our Children to be Farmers and Reignite Our Passion for the Living World.

Our mission


Our story began in an emergency room. After struggling with declining health for the better part of two years and dozens of different doctors shrugging their shoulders in bafflement, our founder, Cole, found himself in an emergency room at the age of 27. Whatever the problem was, it was getting worse, and modern western medicine had no solutions.
Taking his health into his own hands, Cole became his own best doctor as he undertook a deep-dive into all things human health. Quickly realizing that our health is inextricably linked to the health of the environment one is in and the health of the food one is consuming.
So what drives a healthy environment and healthy food? Tracing health back to its roots, he arrived at the nexus of it all… the soil. What he found is that soil has a profound, outsized, and cascading impact on every measure of health – water, air, plant, animal, human, and societal. Healthy soil improved each of these measures, while unhealthy soil drove disease through the entire system. This is where Cole stumbled upon Regenerative Agriculture. A “new” way of farming that reached back to how our ancestors farmed. A way of farming that did not poison the soil but instead healed it. A way of farming that worked with nature not against it. And through which, created a virtuous cycle that cultivated abundance.
Bought into this way of farming and knowing that his current environment was leading him deeper and deeper into illness. Cole set out on what would become a 4-year nomadic immersion into Regenerative Agriculture across the United States. Visiting Regenerative Farmer’s from the savannahs of Georgia to the foothills of the Pacific Northwest. From the pastures of North Dakota to the arid plains of Texas. From the mountains of Appalachia to the valleys of the Rockies. He traveled, learned, and grew to appreciate even more the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we have to restore the health of the planet and through which, our own health. All of this is made possible by the way we treat the land. And no profession is more critical to this end than the Stewards of our Soil, the Farmers. A profession dramatically underappreciated by society; overworked, underpaid, and under-capitalized.

In meeting with these Farmers across the US, these reoccurring themes stood out, but none more important than how woefully time-crunched Farmers are and how a lack of financial resources significantly impacts their ability to sustain and grow their business.

With 10+ years’ experience working in the finance industry, this is where Cole believed he could make an outsized impact. By providing financial services to Regenerative Farmers he was able to give these Farmers time back in their day to do the real job they loved, Farm. While at the same time, helping shore up and support the business.

Our business continues to grow and evolve as we add new expertise and talent to our team, but one thing always remains the same:

At Grass Fed Valley, the road to deep roots starts with supporting the Stewards of our Soil.


Cole Allen

Financial Farmhand – “The Dirtiest Hand’s You’ll Shake in Finance”
Fairfax, VA
Farm Experience

Farming nomad who traveled the U.S. for four years visiting 30+ regenerative Farms, interning and lending a helping hand along the way.

Favorite Meal

Pastured Ground Chicken Asian Lettuce Wraps 

World Experience 

Chartered Financial Analyst, Real Estate Analyst, Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Mountaineer, Bilingual

Steph Gonzalez

Marketing Farmhand – “The Road To Deep Roots Starts Here”
Miami, FL 
Farm Experience

A city-girl turned country, I will never forget my first chicken catch. Sweating and covered in chicken poop, smiling ear to ear! 

Favorite Meal

Grass-fed lamb + roasted veggies with raw butter 

World Experience 

Hospitality, Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, Culinary, Agritourism, Bilingual

Mike Rohdy

Growth Farmhand – “Passionate about helping farms and farmers thrive.”

Memphis, TN 

Farm Experience

Developed a knack for taking a basic conversation at the local farmers market to scoring an invite to the farm to volunteer, share a meal, and “help figure stuff out.”

Favorite Meal

Grass-fed beef hamburger with a fruit filled salad and potatoes

World Experience 

Husband, Dad, Real Estate Business Development/Analyst, Bilingual, Ex-Collegiate Athlete, Surfer